Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover
Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover
Realizing the critical importance of BOT projects in infrastructure development, Orion Infrastructure Limited took the initiative of being a pioneer in this growth model, which facilitates direct private sector investment in large scale infrastructure projects. Within the framework of BOT projects, the company has selected transportation as its focus sector given that an efficient and well –integrated transport system not only sustains and drives economic development but more importantly promotes and strengthens national integration.
Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover is an outcome of innovative technical and financial engineering and it is the most exciting development in Bangladesh transport history. It is expected to help people as well as businesses by providing a free-flow movement to traffic coming and going out of National Capital. This facility could be benchmarked with best expressways in the world as best of the design and engineering technologies has been incorporate in this project to bring in the class of best expressways worldwide.